Friday, March 1, 2024

PCUN Requests Solidarity On Two Important Issues

The following comes from a longer email from PCUN (Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste).

Oregon Worker Relief

The Oregon legislature has the opportunity to help vulnerable community members stay in their homes, keep farmworkers safe and stable during extreme heat waves and wildfire smoke, and provide no-cost immigration legal services.

Contact your legislator to support these critical funding requests HERE.

Oregon Worker Relief has been a lifeline for immigrant Oregonians through programs including the Climate Change Fund, the Home Fund, Universal Representation, and more. Our community-led approach has helped over 93,000 immigrant Oregonians through emergency relief for farmworkers who face dangerous working conditions from extreme heat and wildfire smoke, rent assistance to keep families housed, no-cost immigration legal services, and more. That is why we are asking you to urge your legislators to support Oregon Worker Relief and allow such vital work to continue.

Employment Related Day Care

We need to send a strong message to our state's leaders to use their positions' power to advocate for a budget that will meet the needs of families struggling to afford child care in this economy.

Use this link to send a message to state leaders to fund child care now.

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