Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Some Great Upcoming Regional Labor Events

* OHSU Rally for PostDoc Researchers
(AFSCME)Millions to Buy Legacy Hospitals but Nothing for Researchers
Wed. Mar. 20, Noon
Mac Hall Lawn, 3266 SW Research Drive
Send OHSU Executives a Message - https://actionnetwork.org/letters/ohsu-needs-to-pay-their-fair-share-for-postdoc-research-now

* Informational Picket at Providence St. Vincent
March 20 starting at 5:00pm | Providence St. Vincent in Portland
Nurses at Providence, Oregon's largest healthcare system, are advocating for improved standards, including better health benefits and wages, as their contract negotiations have stalled since December. In response, they plan to hold informational pickets across the state to show solidarity in their pursuit of fair contracts, culminating in a rally in May involving healthcare workers from newly organized units.

* Practice Picket, Strike Ready (PCCFCE)
Living Wages, Healthcare, Job Security !
Thurs. Mar. 21, 4:30-9pm
Sylvania Campus, 12000 SW 49th Ave. Portland
4:30-5:30 - picket with classified employees
5:30-7 - food
7-9 - present strike pledges to PCC Board of Trustees
RSVP https://pccfce.org/march21

* Assertive Grievance Handling (a Labor Notes workshop)
Thurs. Mar. 21, 5-6:30pm
This workshop is for stewards and union leaders who work with stewards, not staff.
Fighting grievances isn’t only about how well you argue your case. It’s also about organizing members to build pressure on management. This workshop will focus on how to win creatively without going to arbitration—or sometimes without even filing a grievance. REGISTER https://labornotes.org/events/2024/stewards-workshop-assertive-grievance-handling-march-2024

* A Discussion with Anne Broyles, Author of I’m Gonna Paint: Ralph Fasanella, Artist of the People
March 28 starting at 5:00pm | Oregon Labor Center in Portland
Please join the Oregon AFL-CIO and the Oregon Labor Movement for an engaging discussion with Anne Broyles, the author of I’m Gonna Paint: Ralph Fasanella, Artist of the People. Anne’s book is about the visionary folk artist and labor organizer Ralph Fasanella and is perfect for picture book readers because of its stunning illustrations. Click here to learn more & RSVP.

* Organizing for Power: Core Fundamentals
(training by Jane McAlevey, author of "No Shortcuts" & "Rules to Win By")
Thursdays, May 9 - June 13, 9-11am (PT) or 5-7PM (PT)
Groups of ten or more (get your co-workers lined up now!)
O4P's Core Fundamentals is a six-week intensive training program composed or weekly sessions divided into lectures and practice time, plus campaign assignments that organizing groups are expected to complete on their own time.
Each session runs twice each Thursday to accommodate our global audience.
The registration deadline is May Day, 2024, so begin assembling your group of 10+ now, because we're only going to win if we're in this together, disciplined and committed, and ready to build our skill sets to ORGANIZE FOR POWER. Please contact O4P Coordinator Ethan Earle (earle.ethan@gmail.com) with any questions.
REGISTER: http://tinyurl.com/O4PCoreFundamental

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