Monday, September 2, 2024

Gaudium et Spes: More than 600 Catholic Institutions with Labor Unions

One of the interestig annual reports on labor that I get comes from the Catholic Labor Network and lists those Roman Catholic institutions that are unionized by state. Oregon has a good number, but of course we will all benefit with more. Here is the introduction to the report and the relevant link from the Network.  

Gaudium et Spes: More than 600 Catholic Institutions with Labor Unions

Happy Labor Day!

During the year periodically we have to devote our newsletter to Catholic institutions engaged in union-busting behavior out of line with Catholic Social Teaching from Rerum Novarum to today. Happily these employers are not the last word. The Catholic Labor Network has identified more than 600 Catholic institutions that instead demonstrate Catholic Social Teaching by bargaining with unions representing some or most of their employees.

In accordance with our tradition, each Labor Day the CLN offers its Gaudium et Spes report listing these institutions by State and Diocese. New entries this year include Catholic Cemetery workers in Youngstown OH who organized with the Machinists; nurses at Ascension St Agnes in Baltimore MD who joined National Nurses United; and Non-Tenure Track Faculty at two California Catholic Universities, University of San Diego and Loyola Marymount, who joined the SEIU. Most of these workers are still negotiating a first contract so please keep them in your prayers! Unfortunately, the list of unionized Catholic schools has shrunk a bit as organized schools in some urban cores closed.

To find out what’s up in your state, check out the report:

Gaudium et Spes 2024

If you know of additional Catholic employers with collective bargaining please report them to

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