Monday, September 2, 2024

Some Upcoming Union Member Trainings & Labor Solidarity Events And Needs

From Portland DSA:

Fighting the Wrongs of Management Rights (Labor Notes Stewards Workshop)
Tues. Sept. 10, 4:30-6pm
(This workshop has limited capacity and is for stewards and elected officers who work with stewards - not staff)
"Management rights" clauses have found their way into almost all union contracts. Learn why these clauses are so dangerous and, more importantly, how to make sure workers have a voice no matter what the "management's rights" clause says.


Ready to Strike -- Boeing (IAM 63)
Safety First !
Fri. Sept. 13, times TBA
Boeing Plant, 19000 NE Sandy
Sign this petition to let Boeing know: the community stands with the workers!


Labor Door Knocks for Our City Council Candidates (PDX DSA)
Final Stretch for Tiffany Koyama Lane (Dist. 3) and Mitch Green (Dist. 4)
Let's Power Our Working-Class Champions to Victory!
Sun. Sept. 15 (Mitch), Sat. Sept. 28 (Tiffany), Sat. Oct. 12 (Tiffany), Sun. Oct. 20 (MItch), Sat. Oct. 26 (Tiffany), Sat-Sun Nov. 2,3 (both)

Democratic Rights for Union Members (an on-line Labor Notes workshop)
Wed. Sept. 18, 4:30-6pm
The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act provides union members a bill of rights, requires unions to publicly disclose certain details about their governance, and regulates union elections and trusteeships of local unions by international unions. Learn how to use the law to build rank-and-file power in your union, and how to defend that power once you’ve built it! REGISTER:


Postal Protest - We Won't Be Silenced! (APWU, NALC)
Public Right to Comment at Postal Board of Governors Meetings
Better Staffing, Better Service, Good Contract Now!
Tues. Oct. 1, Noon-1pm
East Portland Post Office, 1020 SE 7th Ave
Sponsor: American Postal Workers Union local 128
Endorsed by: Communities and Postal Workers United,
National Association of Letter Carriers branch 82


Reed College Residential Advisors (OPEIU 11)

READY TO STRIKE for Fair Pay, Job Security, End Patrols 

ADD YOUR NAME: Tell Reed administrators that housing advisors deserve to work for more than room and food, but FAIR COMPENSATION too! Please follow the union at



Divest Oregon from Israel Bonds! (PDX DSA)
Sign-on Letter - Bring this to Your Union !
Oregon Investment Council invests union pension funds in Israel bonds, Caterpiller, and Bank of America that fuel the genocide in Gaza.
SIGN ON (unions, organizations, individuals)


Starbucks Workers United Rapid Response Network (SBWU)
Baristas will be bargaining a national foundational framework, an agreement that sets the standards for SBWU contracts across the country. The 10,000+ unionized Starbucks partners have come a long way to get to this moment – and we're determined to keep the momentum strong and fight to win at the bargaining table. By joining the rapid response network, you'll be on standby to mobilize quickly when called upon - this could look like calling into a store, holding a flyering event outside a store, organizing a solidarity standout, lodging customer complaints, etc. If your support is needed, it will likely be a tight turnaround time - so the form asks some specific questions to help gauge what level of capacity you and your organization may have for rapid response organizing. SIGN UP:

Want to organize (a union) at your workplace?DSA & UE sponsor the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee
We will walk you through the first steps.

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