Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Labor Notes Workshop On Winning Past Practice Grievances

Past practice grievances can be difficult to understand, difficult to write up and file, and difficult to win. Taking on past practice grievances can be controversial in some unions and in some sitruations. If we accept the necessary logic that our union contracts actually get negotiated every day in the workplace according to what union members and stewards organize around and what employers try to win or take back from workers, winning or losing past practice grievances can have special meaning and weight.

Labor Notes is offering this steward's workshop on Zoom to help:

How to File and Win Past Practice Grievances (a Labor Notes Steward's Workshop)
Tues. June 18, 4-5:30pm (zoom)

This workshop is for stewards and elected officers who work with stewards - not staff.
Past practice is one of the most powerful arguments in the union toolbox. It is also one of the most misunderstood. This workshop, led by author and labor educator Robert Schwartz, will explain the five tests of past practice, the three main categories (clarifying, free-standing, and conflicting practices), and the rules applying to each. It will give you a roadmap to use when arguing past practice grievances and preparing labor board charges. REGISTER:

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