Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Why Libraries Still Matter---Oregon State Senator Deb Patterson

Why Libraries Still Matter

In this day and age, when most folks hold information in their hands every moment through smart phones or other devices, it might be easy to ask if libraries even matter anymore. However, our public libraries continue to play a crucial role in our communities, and we must find ways to help both school libraries and community libraries have the funds to maintain their staffs and budgets for needed services.

Libraries provide free access not just to books, but to a wealth of information and resources, along with assistance on how to access them. The staff at libraries promote literacy for people of all ages and provide resources for learners of other languages.

Libraries maintain documents that help to preserve our history. They offer space for community meetings and classes. They also provide a safe space where everyone is free to read, study, or just rest, and this is provided to all, regardless of ability to pay.

I was thrilled recently to be able to participate in the announcement that the State has allocated funds to match those from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, an initiative that I co-sponsored with House Majority Leader Ben Bowman. This program delivers one book a month to every child who takes part from birth to age five, and it will soon be available across Oregon. Please tell your neighbors and friends about this wonderful opportunity. Every child deserves the opportunity to develop a love of reading, which can be nurtured lifelong by our public libraries.

Thank you for reading this – and please stay in touch!

All the best,


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