Monday, May 13, 2024

A Request For Immediate Union Solidarity With Disneyland Workers

Tomorrow I’ll be flying out to California for Magic United’s union election. The Characters and Parades Cast Members at Disneyland have put in so much work already: organizing their fellow Cast Members, getting cards signed, speaking up about the challenges they face at work and preparing for this election.

Magic United will vote on May 15, 16 and 18 – that's Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. This is the final step these Cast Members need to take for Actors’ Equity to be recognized as their official bargaining representative.

I’m so proud of these Cast Members for stepping up to tell their employer that they deserve a better workplace, and I hope you are too. Let’s show Magic United that we’re all standing with them – use our toolkit to show your support for @dlrmagicunited on Instagram!

This is going to be a busy week for Magic United. Keep an eye on Equity's social media and on our vote count webpage on Saturday evenings for live updates from the count. We will be in touch with an update when the election is over.

In solidarity,

Stefanie Frey
National Director of Organizing and Mobilization


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