Thursday, June 13, 2024

STRIKE ALERT: The Largest Nurses Strike in Oregon History is Scheduled For Next Week!

From the Oregon AFL-CIO:

It is once again time for Oregon Labor to stand together in solidarity with striking workers. Last week, nurses represented by the Oregon Nurses Association at six different Providence Health Systems locations around the state gave notice that they would go on a three day strike from Tuesday, June 18 through Thursday, June 20.

Nurses are demanding Providence give them a fair contract that is in compliance with Oregon’s Safe Staffing law and prioritizes affordable, quality healthcare. Nurses are also demanding that Providence executives increase their focus on recruiting, retaining, and respecting frontline nurses. Despite four days of negotiations, an agreement was not reached.

An injury to one of us is an injury to all of us and it's critical that Oregon's workers and unions rally behind the striking ONA members until a fair contract is reached and ratified. When we join each other's fights, we have the strength in numbers to accomplish anything.

Here's how you can support the strike:

View the Strike Map here.

Sign up for a shift on the picket line.

Use ONA’s social media toolkit to help spread the word about the strike.

Sign the public petition to put pressure on Providence.

Donate to the strike fund to help support striking workers and help hold the line.

As we saw during the wave of strikes in the Pacific Northwest last year, our solidarity and our unwavering support of any striking worker will help to push management towards a fair settlement. Please stand together with ONA nurses at Providence in their fight to fix a broken health care system and to win the fair contract they deserve.

Please click here to see the latest news about this strike.


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