Tuesday, June 4, 2024

"You Belong" Outreach Campaign for Bias Response Hotline

From State Senator Floyd Prozanski:

Hate crimes and bias incidents are on the rise, both in Oregon and nationally. The Oregon Department of Justice Civil Rights Unit (CRU) has officially launched its "You Belong" campaign, a culturally and linguistically inclusive, statewide public outreach effort to increase awareness of Oregon's Bias Response Hotline as a crucial resource in the fight against the continued rise of hate crimes and bias incidents in Oregon.

It is up to all Oregonians to make sure that everyone is safe in our communities. Oregon's Bias Response Hotline is here to listen, support, and help. CRU's "Report and Support System" is designed to support victims and help track hate crimes and bias incidents. A key focus of this campaign is elevating the voices, faces, and experiences of real community members, and reflecting individual resilience, community strength, as well as resources available through the statewide Bias Response Hotline. The Hotline (1-844-924-BIAS/2427, StandAgainstHate.Oregon.gov) is the best place to report a hate crime or bias incident.

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