Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Union Support Is Growing For The 6/29 Moral March On Washington, D.C.

“Workers’ rights, civil rights and human rights are on the ballot this election. American voters will decide: Do we want to stay the course and keep on this path toward a more compassionate government or revert back to this morally bankrupt nation? The American labor movement is committed to registering and mobilizing union members and union families around the mass mobilization on June 29. We're going to elect lawmakers who will advocate for workers and poor people to elect leaders who will put people over profits, protect our democracy, and advance worker and civil and human rights.”---Fred Redmond, Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO

“Here in the wealthiest nation on earth, millions of people lead lives of desperation and deprivation. They can’t pay the rent. They don’t have enough to eat. They struggle to afford and access basic health care. But working people are rising up to demand structural change, to fight the scourge of poverty, to ensure that everyone can live with dignity. AFSCME is proud to be a part of this movement. Organizing for social, racial and economic justice has always been essential to who we are, long before and since the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers’ strike. We are honored to be participating in the June 29 mobilization and to partner with Repairers of the Breach and the Poor People’s Campaign in all of their important work.”---AFSCME President Lee Saunders

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