Thursday, August 1, 2024

Project 2025 and Labor -- The Plan to Destroy Worker Power

The introduction to this podcast includes the following:

In this blogcast, Burnes Center for Social Change Senior Fellow Seth Harris is joined by Jody Calemine, director of advocacy at the AFL-CIO, and Karla Walter, director of the American Worker Project at the Center for American Progress, to discuss Project 2025's labor proposals. Watch now to hear about how the proposal would affect American workers, unions, and the labor movement if President Trump is re-elected in 2024. For more information on Project 2025, visit the AFL-CIO's guide to Project 2025 and Unions and the Center for American Progress' article, written by Aurelia Glass, "Project 2025 Would Undo the NLRB's Progress on Protecting Workers Right to Organize."

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