Thursday, February 22, 2024

FARM WORKER WOMEN IN OREGON AGRICULTURE: Achievements and Gender-Based Inequities---Presentation in Salem on Sunday, March 3

Learn from and Support our Oregon Women Farm Workers in this Community Forum sponsored by PCUN, Farm Worker Ministry Northwest and the St. Mark Lutheran Church Social Ministry Committee.

Our GUEST SPEAKERS from PCUN, Oregon's Farm Worker Labor Union, will discuss FARM WORKER WOMEN IN OREGON AGRICULTURE: Achievements and Gender-Based Inequities
Guest presenters Marlina Campos and Martha Lopez of PCUN / Farmworkers and Latinx Working Families United will speak about local women advocating for justice in their workplace and community. Farm worker women face sexual harassment, health concerns, inadequate childcare, harsh working conditions and more, such as limited life expectancy.

Learn more PCUN's work for women's empowerment in the community & the Oregon Legislature and what allies can do.

Sunday Morning Forum for Church & Community
Sunday, March 3, 2024
11:15 am--12:15 pm
St. Mark Lutheran Church Lounge
790 Marion St., Salem, OR 97301

Information: Ed Brandt, 503-917-1326 call or text Thank you!

DONATIONS WELCOME for PCUN's organizing, political advocacy, education efforts and speakers' costs, click on "donate" for online donation or checks payable to PCUN, mail to PCUN, PO Box 38, Woodburn, OR 97071. Thanks also for cash or checks at the event.
Thanks for participating in this forum and celebrating Women's History Month!

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