Tuesday, February 27, 2024

SEIU Local 503, OPEU has a tentatve agreement covering state higher ed staff

An announcement from SEIU Local 503, OPEU today contains the following good news. Worker labor and community solidarity ws clearly a party of this win. We can support one another---and support makes all of the difference!

Thanks to the incredible power workers have been building on our campuses—signing strike pledges, practice picketing, rallying, delivering our petitions to administration, and more—we have moved management to come to a tentative agreement that includes historic cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs), protects our contracting out language, moves us forward on building our union, and a $1,500 one-time payment in our April paychecks (prorated by FTE).

More details will be shared soon, but here are the headlines:

15% COLAs in the next two years
$1,500 one-time payment in our April paychecks
No takeaways on contracting out language

None of this goes into effect before union members vote to ratify the agreement. We will share more information about ratification votes in the days to come.

Remember, we fought to protect our health insurance and steps in the agreement that members voted to ratify in 2022.

Only members can vote in the ratification – if you aren’t a member, join today!

In Solidarity,

SEIU 503 Higher Ed Bargaining Team
Ashley Wase (PSU), Colleen Martin-Low (SOU), Darryn Stevens (OIT), Jo Hickerson (EOU), Johnny Earl, Chair (UO), Louie Vidmar (UO), Mark Dunbar (OSU), and Samantha Brubaker (WOU)

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