Monday, February 26, 2024

Support the Salem-Keizer Education Association and their fight for a fair union contract

The Salem-Keizer Education Association (SKEA) and their fight for a fair union contract picked up some positive mention on Oregon Public Broadcasting on February 16 and February 24. A statement from SKEA president Tyler Scialo-Lakeberg was quoted by the OPB reporter covering the story on February 16 as saying, "The Association views the District’s (contract) proposal as simply articulating the status quo... Students and staff cannot persist under the status quo. It is time for a change.”

The union is asking for public support and is suggesting the following:

One way you can support us is by emailing the seven (currently six) members of the School Board about your priorities and the way that SKEA's proposal addresses those priorities.

At this website:, you can find information about each member. Their email addresses all follow the same format: (just like your students' teachers!).

Tell them what your priorities are:
—Small class sizes
—Safe schools
—Teachers who are valued
—Support for special education and gifted education
—School nurses, counselors, and social workers

Ask them to look carefully and critcally at the two proposals—they represent the COMMUNITY, and they provide DIRECTION to the District. Not the other way around!

Ask them to clearly support SKEA’s proposals and critically consider the District’s messaging.
Later, check out our other posts about contacting Superintendent Casteńeda, attending upcoming events, supporting local businesses, and reassuring your students.


One way you can support us is by emailing Superintendent Casteńeda about your priorities and the way that she can direct the District's response to SKEA's proposals on these priorities.

We KNOW that our educators' work environment IS our students' learning environment. Smaller class sizes are important because we can serve your students better! Smaller case loads mean your student's case manager can work more closely with them and support them more. More nurses, counselors, and social workers mean your students' social and emotional well-being is prioritized. Share your authentic experience with Superintendent Casteńeda and let her know you support SKEA's proposals.

The Salem-Keizer Education Association has an active Facebook page and website. One page of the union's website tracks press coverage and there are a number of short and helpful video messages and updates as well.

Superintendent Andrea Castañeda can be reached here. It is my understanding that the Board has been told that they should refrain from being involved in contract negotiations or taking sides and that a majority of the Bord members have acquiesced. A good starting point in our communiations might be to remind our Superintendent and the Board members that unions are an important part of our commuinity, not a special interest, and that we expect them to be familiar with all of the community and represent all of the community in their deliberations. They can't do this if they are not actively engaging with labor.

Graphic from SKEA

The opinions expressed in this post are not those of the Marion-Polk-Yamhill Central Labor Chapter or the Oregon AFL-CIO.

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