Friday, February 9, 2024

The AFL-CIO statement on the Situation in Israel and Gaza and word from the Texas AFL-CIO and AFT on the ceasefire

The AFL-CIO statement reads as follows:

February 8, 2024

(Washington, D.C., Feb. 8, 2024)—“The AFL-CIO condemns the attacks by Hamas on October 7th and calls for a negotiated cease-fire in Gaza—including the immediate release of all hostages and provision of desperately needed shelter, food, medicine and other humanitarian assistance to Gazans—and reaffirms our support of a two-state solution for long-term peace and security.”

Contact: Public Affairs, 202-637-5018

For some context that may be relevant to union activists here in Oregon, here is a link to a Texas Public Radio story on the recent Texas AFL-CIO COPE convention and the decision by that body to be the first state AFL-CIO body to call for a ceasefire. Read this. For some added context here is a link to the Texas AFT statement on their support for a ceasefire.

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