Monday, December 4, 2023

Could unions and our friends be part of Labor Spring 2024?

Could Labor and union-friendly organizations and individuals in the Mid-Willamette Valley come together to do a Labor Spring 2024 event here? The open letter below is circulating through academic and labor history organizations in the United States. Could we adapt this to meet our region's needs and organizing?

Be Part of Labor Spring 2024
A Project of the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor at Georgetown University
More information at LaborSpring.Org

Working people are currently powering a historic upsurge in intersectional class action that is the largest in a generation. Autoworkers, nurses, graduate assistants, delivery workers, actors, screenwriters, baristas, hotel workers, retail workers and others are uniting in a multi-racial effort to demand justice on the job and to defend our embattled democracy within a shifting capitalism. Meanwhile, labor’s popularity is surging and young people are particularly interested in the collective power of unions. The time is right for workers and their allies to amplify this moment through broad solidarity.

Labor Spring 2024 will build on last year’s Labor Spring when students, workers, unionists, and allies organized more than 80 events on or nearby college campuses in more than 30 states across the country, educating the public and fueling youth interest in the reviving labor movement. We aim to build on that momentum in 2024, doubling the reach of this movement, tying it to local and national campaigns. Labor Spring 2024 will ensure that labor issues, workplace justice, racial equity, and efforts to bolster the public good remain front and center as this all-important election year unfolds.

All events are welcome, and we particularly want to work with undergraduate students in building further labor engagement capacity. We encourage faculty and community members to reach out to and with undergraduate students in planning Labor Spring. Many events will link the campus to the community, and will have a particular focus on organizing in the South. We encourage all Labor Spring organizers to build events that are fully accessible to all.

We invite you and your allies to join this movement, link up to the national effort, and form a local group to plan an event of your own, such as teach-ins, speakers, conferences, social events, demonstrations, and rallies. All types of organizations can serve as hosts for Labor Spring events. The events could be in-person, virtual or hybrid. Labor Spring 2024 is anything that brings people together and helps to build solidarity and momentum to the fight for labor justice at this vital moment.

For more information contact Alexis Harper at

To begin planning a Labor Spring event please fill out this form.

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