Monday, December 11, 2023

Who We Are Right Now

Members of Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5 marched with union locals from across
 the country as part of Tradeswomen Build Nations last weekend in DC. Photo from
 the Metro Washington Labor Council.

“When I’m at work, I spend a lot of time waiting near idling diesel locomotive 
engines. I know this pollution is affecting my breathing. I can feel it, and I am not the
 only one. We have a lot of drivers who have health problems. It impacts everybody, 
especially in the communities that are right around these rail yards. Drivers like me
 used to have better jobs directly with the railroads, but they subcontracted our work
 so they could save money. Now, they don’t have to pay for things like health insurance
 for us. Here we are, doing the work, making them money, and all they are doing is
 making us sick.”---Cedric Whelchel of the United Electrical workers. Photo from

"Hundreds of early-career researchers at the US National Institutes of 
Health (NIH) have voted overwhelmingly to form a union, nearly completing
 the official process required to do so. They plan to call on the agency — the world’s
 largest public funder of biomedical research — to improve pay and working conditions,
 and to bolster its policies and procedures for dealing with harassment and excessive workloads."
 Taken from an article by Max Kozlov that appeared in NATURE and in Portside. Photo by
 Melissa Lyttle.

Communications Workers of America District 1 Healthcare Workers met in Buffalo,
 N.Y., for their first ever Healthcare Worker Convening. Photo from CWA District 1.

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