Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Labor's Bookstore Sale Ends On 12/31. This Is A Great Resource For Union Stewards, Activists And Local Union Leaders

Labor's Bookstore is holding their end-of-year sale with a pretty good discount on orders, bit you need to get your order in on or before December 31 to get that discount. 

Labor's Bookstore should be a first-stop for pragmatic union stewards, local union activists, and local union leaders. They produce and market the kinds of books that you need in the variety of situations that you will face daily if you run for or hold local union office or function as a steward or active union member. They also do low-cost and effective trainings by Zoom.

People tend to put reading and studying off. We use the excuse that we're too busy or we hope that someone else will pick up the slack or it just seems easier to do the work ourselves or complain than it is to take action and bring others along with us.

Then we get busy or things start to fall apart.

Five of the worst experiences union stewards and activists have are sitting in meetings and realizing that they are unprepared, being told or believing that you didn't do your best job in defending a union member or the union because you were unprepared, hearing someone say that you sold them out, and being so busy and stressed that you're not bringing others along with you and taking offense at people who say that our first job is get others actively involved in running the union and doing the steward work. 

Do the reading, the studying, the organizing and the mobilizing now. You won't be able to do it later when things are falling apart or it's time for all hands on deck. Stressed, too-busy and unprepared people unintentionally weaken unions.

Labor's Bookstore is one of your first-stop and best resources.

Some sample titles:

Managing With Labor's Values by Ken Margolies

The Union Steward’s Complete Guide, 3rd edition

The Union Member's Complete Guide: Everything you need to know about
 working union - 2nd edition (2019) updated and revised

I Just Got Elected — Now What? A New Union Officer’s Handbook - 
4th edition, 2023 by Bill Barry

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