Saturday, December 23, 2023

"HOLLA...For Labor!!!", Labor Radio In Salem & Portland, And The Oregon Chapter Of The Coalition For Black Trade Unionists


Over the past 10 years, the Oregon Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) has been working in collaboration with a labor continuum here in Oregon in the audio production of Labor Radio segments on KBOO Radio 90.7 FM. The continuum consists of seven contributors: Oregon CBTU, Jamie Partridge, Lane Poncy, Stephen Siegel, Tim EAnneMcD and Michael Cathcart. Our declarative statement of “highlighting the works of the working class, by the working class, for the working class” is broadcasted weekly at 6:00 pm on Monday night. Each week our storylines are labor intensive pieces relevant to organized labor and the impact on everyday workers. Our broadcasts reflect on the lives of actual workers involved in daily struggles and successes of lasting one day longer, contract negotiations, relevant legislative actions, union activism, and varied opinions on local, national, and sometimes international issues that buttress against ordinary workers as they go about making ends meet.

Recently within the past 2 years Oregon CBTU has expanded to include a rebroadcast of our
labor radio contributions on Willamette Wake Up, a weekday local public affairs program, on KMUZ Community Radio (88.5 & at 100.7 FM), fashionably coined as, “HOLLA FOR LABOR”. This new affiliation enables us to design labor radio segments more inclusive of the Mid-Willamette Valley workers.

The Oregon CBTU Labor Radio and HOLLA FOR LABOR segments consist of monthly ½ hour
segments featuring 3 on air contributors, Tina Turner-Morfitt, Dr. Audrey Terrell, and Deborah Hall. We are the 3 principal officers of Oregon CBTU. Each month our interviews feature guest which include a varied mix of activist from Oregon, the Pacific Northwest and national guest covering various topics. Our overall goal with each segment is “to make labor something you can feel again.”

Our most recent segment featured Dan Torres, the Executive Director of the Oregon Labor Candidate School. Brother Torres can be described as a political operative/organizer/strategist from Portland Oregon. He works in Labor, Democratic, and Progressive advocacy. He has 8 cycles of electoral experience ranging from State Rep races up to the United States Senate. He has worked 6 long sessions in various roles from legislative staff to advocacy and engagement, to lobbying. He has extensive experience in organizing, communications, electoral politics, field, data, training, leadership development, coalition building, collaboration, and political navigation and strives to maintains the program’s apolitical status in preparing future candidate seeking out leadership roles. The mission, vision and values of the Oregon Labor Candidate School are listed accordingly:


The mission of the Oregon Labor Candidate School is to train leaders to be successful candidates for elected office. OLCS alumni will champion policies which positively impact all Oregonians, including, living wages, a superb education system, access to quality and affordable healthcare, a secure retirement, and to defend and grow the labor movement in Oregon. Our curriculum includes an equity lens, providing candidates with the tools to make justice-oriented policy decisions.


The vision of the Oregon Labor Candidate School is to increase the representation of union members in elected office who will champion policies which reflect the values of the labor movement and benefit working people in Oregon.


Collective Action * Economic Fairness * Empowerment * Equity * Solidarity * Respect * Democracy * Justice

The 2024 electoral contest is quickly gaining on us. Tune into this segment of ‘HOLLA FOR LABOR’ to examine the rigorous process candidates will face in their bid to draft a successful campaign.

Join us for full segments of labor radio each month:

KBOO Labor Radio (97.4 FM) at 6 pm the first Monday, of each month. The podcast can be found on

KMUZ Community Radio on Willamette Wake Up, the fourth Thursday of each month at 8 am. The podcast can be found on

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