Friday, December 15, 2023

Some photos from the union rally at Western Oregon University today

SEIU Local 503, OPEU held a rally today at Western Oregon University (WOU) in support of the union contract demands. The state universities are demanding givebacks from classified staff. In my opinion, if the union accepts these concessions all university workers, and eventually most public workers throughout Oregon, will be at risk of losing benefits and having to take backward steps in wages and working conditions. The president of the faculty union at WOU gave a strong voice to these concerns when she delivered a moving solidarity message. It was gratifying to see many members of the Western Oregon University Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 2278, at the rally today.

The contract between the union and the state universities will not be settled by year's end, and if it is not settled by March then SEIU Local 503's members employed by the universities may strike.

See this article from the Northwest Labor Press for context. 

Union members from Local 503's bargaining team led chants and
 spoke from their hearts about their jobs and their union's demands. 

Oregon State Representative Tom Andersen (D.-Dist. 19) was there
 to support the workers and their union. He delivered a strong message
 of support and framed this as a social justice issue.

Long-time Local 503 member-leader Johnny Earl (University of Oregon
 sub-Local 085) roused everyone with a call to solidarity. That's SEIU Local 503's 
Executive Director Melissa Unger holding the bullhorn. 

A union member stepped up to lead a chant of her own that fired up
 the crowd.

Catherine Stearns is a retired Local 503, OPEU member, but she still puts in time
 as a union activist and still inspires everyone she meets. Her union jacket belonged to
 the  recently-departed union member-leader James Jacobsen. Brother Jacobsen provided
 leadership and guidance and a helping hand with good humor in his many years of activism.
He spoke with forthrightness and always came from a place of integrity. He and Sister Stearns 
were good friends and it was moving for me to see her wearing his union jacket. Yes, the sun
 was shining in her eyes when I took this photo, but Catherine does radiate light.  

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