Thursday, December 7, 2023

Support Washington Post employees who are on strike today---Your solidarity is needed!

Washington Post employees went on a 24-hour walkout strike today, December 7. After 18 months of employer-obstructed bargaining and several rounds of layoffs and "voluntary" buyouts, the Guild says, enough is enough. The workers are members of The News Guild. The Freelance Solidarity Project of the National Writers Union (FSP-NWU) has issued a solidarity statement supporting the strikers.

You can read more about the reasons for the strike here, and send a letter to the Post management in support of the union, using this Action Network tool.

The FSP-NWU statement says "The Post Guild is asking supporters to respect a digital picket line by not engaging with any Post content, including print and online news stories, podcasts, videos, games, and recipes. As freelancers, we should also make sure to avoid performing scab work — that is, work that would otherwise be done by a striking employee. Read more about our principles of solidarity with striking staff unions here."

The strike has been covered on National Public Radio, The Guardian, Reuters, and many other media outlets.

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