Monday, July 15, 2024

"We are the Heart, Soul, and Backbone of Cornell." UAW Local 2300

A July 12, 2024 report from the union bargaining committee says:

Sisters, brothers, and siblings,

Your bargaining committee met with the university today and we discussed their response to our economic package that didn't come close to meeting our membership needs and expectations.

We went through each of their rejected demands line by line and asked direct questions regarding their attitude of dismissal for our proposals. These questions Included why Veterans Day with pay was rejected for Veterans, why our parking proposal was rejected, why Dining and other Student Campus Life (SCL) clothing allowances were rejected.

Many of the answers to the questions we posed were postponed until next week as "Cornell's only professional negotiator" needed time to come up with answers for the pointed questions we asked.

Jules hammered home the members' proposal at the Botanic Gardens to have a provision for cell phones. He provided detailed information outlining the importance of having the phone on Cornell's expansive property.

The Cornell committee seemed disinterested in what was being discussed except for their smirks.

Ronda gave an eye-watering and heart-wrenching account of the Cornell wages provided, drawing parallels to her experience as a new mom in 1990 and seeing the same old, same old today.

Molly queried about the floating holidays and why others on campus should have the ability to observe their particular holidays but not us.

John asked questions about the rejection of COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) and vehicle allowance increases.

Chauncey had to explain what eliminating tiers meant to the Cornell team. (A tier is a higher pay grade or benefit that is forever unobtainable by employees not in the tier, versus a step which is a higher pay grade obtainable by seniority).

President Christine Johnson, argued aggressively and emotionally for the Statler tipped wage staff to be made whole in their retirement contributions.

The bargaining committee reminded the HIGHLY paid lawyer representing the University, Laurie Johnston, that our membership will not continue living paycheck to paycheck. That being left behind while Cornell University keeps padding its nearly $10 billion endowment and continuing to expand the infrastructure and invest in buildings not people is unacceptable. Finally, we reminded Cornell that it is our hands and hard physical labor that are developing the profits for the campus, and we will NOT be walking away from the bargaining table without what we deserve!

We want to thank everyone for the turnout at yesterday's A LOT rally despite the last-minute announcement and rain. We had a lot of information available and given by your UAW Region 9 International Rep. Lonnie Everett.

Very important OUR NEXT BARGAINING UNITY RALLY will be Tuesday, July 16 at 1:30 N LOT Tower Road across from Mann Library by the Athletic fields.

In Solidarity, your UAW Local 2300 bargaining team.

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