Sunday, July 14, 2024

Support UFCW Local 1776 And The Union's Fight For Healthcare And Retirement Benefits

Photo from the IUF

For 100 years, employees at Hanover Foods have worked tirelessly to ensure that quality canned and frozen foods reach our tables. Now, CEO Jeff Warehime is turning his back on his employees by demanding severe cuts to healthcare and retirement benefits. To add insult to injury, the CEO has proposed insultingly low wages and wants to strip workers of their overtime protections.

Together, we can hold CEO Jeff Warehime accountable and ensure that Hanover Food workers receive the fair wages and benefits they deserve.

The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF) is calling on all affiliates to stand with the IUF affiliate UFCW members in their fight for rights at Hanover Foods.

Click HERE to sign UFCW Local 1776’s petition to Hanover Foods CEO Jeff Warehime!

Warehime’s unjust proposals endanger workers’ well-being, and the quality of the products consumers depend on. Stand against this injustice and demand fair treatment for the employees of Hanover Foods by signing this petition.

IUF General Secretary Sue Longley stated, “Workers at Hanover Food deserve better. Together, we can hold CEO Jeff Warehime accountable and ensure that Hanover Food workers receive the fair wages and benefits they deserve!”

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