Sunday, July 14, 2024

Our Union-Made Low Carb Diet Shopping Guide

Sahid Fawaz has another very helpful article at Labor 411 on what a union-made low carb diet can look like and where we can buy the union-made products needed to make this happen. The article begins with the following:

Looking to diet? One of the most popular and effective ones according to millions of people is the low carb diet. Because it reduces consumption of high calorie carb-heavy foods like sweets, breads, and sugary drinks, the pounds are often shed quickly. We’ve put together an exclusive list of union-made low carb foods so that you can diet while supporting good union jobs.

Happy eating from all of us at Labor 411

Sahid provides lists of union-made meats, vegetables, nuts and grocery stores. We need this. Please hit the article here.

Photo from Labor 411

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