Tuesday, July 30, 2024

URGENT: Action Needed to Support AFSCME Members at OHSU

From the Oregon AFL-CIO:

As you are likely aware, postdoctoral researchers represented by Oregon AFSCME, whose work at OHSU includes finding cures for deadly diseases, are still without a first contract. After bargaining for nearly a year, the Postdoc Researchers United declared an impasse on July 5 and voted to authorize a strike which is set to begin next month.

It’s time to stand together, take action, and do everything possible we can as Oregon’s Labor Movement to ensure Postdoc Researchers United win the contract they deserve. That includes their primary demands of fair compensation reflective of the researchers’ expertise, and protections for international employees, who comprise over half of the postdoctoral population.

Here’s how you can help:

URGENT: Sign on to AFSCME’s letter urging OHSU to reconsider their final offer. Click here to view the letter. If you are interested in signing on, please email a copy of your union’s logo before 8:00am tomorrow, July 31, to Susan Allen (sallen@oregonafscme.org) and Odalis Aguilar (oaguilar@oregonafscme.org).

Personally call members on the board of the directors urging them to work with the President to avert the strike.

Please share any stories you have at OHSU that highlight the positive outcomes when workers and management work together to fulfill their mission. You can email your stories to Susan and Odalis at their email addresses listed above.

As we’ve seen during contract struggles and strikes in the past, Oregon Labor standing united behind a group of workers in a battle for a fair contract can create the pressure needed to win the fight.

AFSCME’s fight at OHSU is all of our fight because when any worker is injured, wronged, or treated unfairly we all suffer. Let’s do what we do best and come together to lend our strength and solidarity to the Postdoc Researchers United at AFSCME.

In Solidarity,

Graham Trainor
President, Oregon AFL-CIO

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