Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The World Federation Of Trade Unions Call For A Global Labor Mobilization For Peace On September 1

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) is calling for a massive September 1 global labor mobilization for peace under thes two basic demands: 

* Stop Imperialist Wars and Interventions
* Resources for peoples’ needs and not for NATO’s plans

A long call for the mobilization by the Secretariat of the WFTU ends with the following:

The WFTU calls upon workers all over the globe, the militant trade unions to actively participate in the International Action Day of Trade Unions for peace, organizing militant activities to strongly denounce the uninterrupted increase in military expenditures and the ongoing imperialist conflicts; to assert the demand for dissolution of NATO and all military coalitions, the complete abolition of nuclear weapons, the respect for the independence and sovereignty of all states and to spread the message of internationalism and class struggle for lasting peace, for a world free of imperialist interventions and man-by-man exploitation.

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