Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bargaining Update: New Seasons Labor Union Steering Committee May Call A Strike Vote!

We often post about the New Seasons Labor Union on this blog. Our most recent post is here, and another recent post mentioning the New Seasons Labor Union is here. The following post regarding union contract negotiations at New Seasons comes from Portland Jobs with Justice:

In an update to coworkers, and shared over social media (XIG), New Seasons Labor Union co-chairs and their bargaining team announced that after more than a year and a half of fighting for a fair contract at the bargaining table, the team has issued an ultimatum to the company:

"If substantial progress is not made by the end of our August 7th bargaining session, we will ask the membership to vote to authorize a strike."

The statement details the company's numerous and stall tactics in place of bargaining a fair contract for its 1,100+ workers at the 11 stores currently represented by NSLU.

JWJ stands with NSLU and every worker, whenever and wherever, they demonstrate unity and speak up, collectively, for justice in their workplace and in the community!

You can show your support by contributing to help NSLU win the contract they need:

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