Monday, July 15, 2024

AFL-CIO on Violence at Trump Rally in Pennsylvania

July 13, 2024

Statement by AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond:

A foundation of American democracy—and of the labor movement—is peaceful disagreement and debate. While we await all the details on today’s troubling incident at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania, all Americans must be absolutely clear: violence has no place in our political process. Ever. This is a moment where people of all backgrounds and ideologies must stand together to once again condemn violence of any kind in our politics.

We wish Donald Trump a speedy recovery from any injuries he suffered, send our thoughts and deepest condolences to other victims, and join all working people in calling for a swift, thorough investigation into what happened today. We must also caution that in the days and weeks ahead, those who don’t respect our democracy may take the opportunity to use this disturbing event to divide Americans. Now is a time we should all come together to condemn violence and reaffirm our commitment to the peaceful debate and exchange of ideas that are a cornerstone of American democracy.

Contact: Steve Smith, 202-637-5018

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